Dr. Lena Feygin
Founder, Doctor of Psychotherapy Science, Practicing Psychology
Dr. Lena Feygin, Doctor of Psychotherapy Science, Practicing Psychologist, Systemic Family Therapist, EFT Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, CBT, EMDR, ImTT, DIRFloortime
Book author - “I Want to be a Mom and a Dad Too” (Aug 2021) (a book for people who want to become parents)
Founder of Relationships Research Institute
Author of personality methodology [Psy-to-nomics]™ and parenting methodology [Family Orchestra]™
Media Expert for various TV channels, writer for multiple print and digital media, psychology expert, and co-host of a talk show Women on Top (TVRain)
Teacher and a speaker at the Journalism School of Commersant
Member of the American Psychological Association (APA), Member of European Association of Personality Psychology, and others


  • Sigmund Freud University - Doctorate in Psychotherapy Science (2024) (Vienna, Austria)
  • Image Transformation Therapy (ImTT) by Robert Miller (Certification Program)
  • EMDR Institute, Inc. by Francine Shapiro (Certification Program)
  • Beck Institute - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Certification program)
  • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis (MIP) - Clinical Psychologist (full credentials to practice)
  • ICEEFT- CSST - Emotionally Focused Therapy
  • Centre of Systemic Family Therapy (Moscow, RF) - Practicing Psychologist in Systematic Family Therapy
  • The John Hopkins University (Baltimore, MA) - Carey School of Business - EMBA (Executive MBA)
  • The Life Coaching Institute (London, GB) - Dip LC (Diploma in Life Coaching)
  • License - Director and Teacher in Multiple Disciplines - Department of Education, State of NY
  • Fordham University (NY, NY) - Psychology Major - BS (Bachelor of Science)
  • John Jay College of Criminal Justice (NY, NY) - Forensic Psychology - program BA (Bachelor of Arts)

Work Experience

  • Private Practice - (2006)
  • Founder - Relationships Research Institute (2018) - www.rereinstitute.com / www.rereinstitute.org
  • Academic Consultant to the Doctorate program at Sigmund Freud University (Vienna Austria) (2019-2021)
  • Managing Partner - Meaning Formation Laboratory (2014-2019)
  • In the past, I have worked as a School Director in a Vocational Technical Secotr at the Franklin Career Institute (NY, NY)
  • Multiple Advisory positions
  • Over 15 years of experience working with Corporate clients in the USA, Europe, and Russia - in the realm of investment (psychological portraits of teams, startups, and projects for investment), strategy, vision, and work with the workforce (search, psychological profiling, team composition, conflictology, communication, change management and other)

Continuing Education

  • Center of Systemic Family Therapy - Certification - Sexual Dysfunction in Couples - Family Therapy
  • Center of Systemic Family Therapy - Certification - Emotionally Focused Therapy: Specifics of working with infidelity with Russian-speaking couples
  • Child Psychology Diploma - Centre of Excellence (GB) - 150 CEU
  • Certification - American Psychological Association (APA) - CBT Outside the Box: Tips and Tools for Multicultural Practice
  • Certification - APA - Psycho-oncology in Practice: Psychological Treatment of Medical Patients with Cancer
  • Certification - APA - When Grief Goes Viral: Psychological Assessment and Intervention in the Corona Crisis
  • Certification - APA - Mindful Self-Care in the Service of Health Care: An embodied approach
  • Certification - APA - The New Normal: Coping with uncertainty and mitigating anxiety during these challenging times
  • Certification - APA - Resilience for Trauma Responders: Protecting Ourselves from Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • and others (a full list can be requested)

Media / Professional Affiliations

  • Media Expert for - Channel 1, NTV, RTVi
  • Co-host of a talk show, "Women on Top" with Anna Mongayt on TvRain channel - www.tvrain.ru
  • Contributing Author to a magazine - Russian Pioneer - www.ruspioner.ru
  • Contributing Author to - BURO 24/7 - www.buro247.ru
  • Lecturer at - lecture companies - "Прямая Речь" www.pryamaya.ru; "Fragment Art Club" @fragmentartclub; PRM @lectoriumprm @anna_prm
  • Invited Professor - Kommersant School of Journalism and Business Producers School
  • Member of American Psychological Association (APA) - www.apa.org
  • Member of European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) www.eapp.org
  • Member of Association for Research in Personality www.personality-arp.org
  • Member of The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy www.societyforpsychotherapy.org

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